One of most magical parts of the Epsilon Rho chapter of Alpha Delta Pi are the strong bonds between women. We are proud of the passionate, involved, and genuine women who fill our chapter, and we cherish the memories made together. As the ADPi motto states, "we live for each other," and the women in this chapter truly are always supporting, encouraging, and making one another laugh.
In Alpha Delta Pi, we strongly value sisterhood; we share a unique bond that cannot be duplicated. This bond is not just shared by our chapter but by all Alpha Delta Pi members. Not only are we making our best friends during the most exciting time of our lives, these friendships and memories truly do last a lifetime!
Our chapter reinforces the importance of sisterhood with a wide variety of special events each year. These events range from having fun with sisters at the fair, ice skating, painting classes, charcuterie board making at a sisters house, group cycling and fitness classes, coffee shop dates, and much more.
Sisterhood truly is central to membership in Alpha Delta Pi, and we look forward to sharing this special bond with new members for years to come.